Summer Drama Academy | June 2014 – June 2016
The Granby Education Foundation was pleased to sponsor the Granby Public School’s Summer Drama Academy in June of 2014. Artists from Hartford Stage instructed students in the foundations of acting which included; the art of building an ensemble, developing a character, practicing proper vocal and movement techniques, and strengthening their concentration and focus skills.
At the conclusion of the program, they applied these skills in a performance of well-known scenes from a variety of Shakespeare’s plays. The GEF sponsored a second year of the Granby Public School’s Summer Drama Academy in June 2015 at the $12,680 level.
The GEF was pleased to sponsor a third year of the Granby Public School’s Summer Drama Academy in June 2016. At the conclusion of the program, the students applied skills in a performance of well-known scenes from a variety of Greek myths.